
"Keuangan Berdarah, Pertamina Jual Aset?" - Indonesia Business Forum IBF 19 Juli 2018.Ada apa dengan PERTAMINA? Dan Demo Pekerja Pertamina Jum`at tgl 20 Juli 2018

"Keuangan Berdarah, Pertamina Jual Aset?" - Indonesia Business Forum IBF 19 Juli 2018.Ada apa dengan PERTAMINA? Dan Demo Pekerja Pertamina Jum`at tgl 20 Juli 2018 fityan (38) in steem • 2 hours ago Beredar surat tentang penjualan aset PT Pertamina (Persero). Surat tersebut perihal Persetujuan Prinsip Aksi Korporasi untuk Mempertahankan Kondisi Keuangan PT Pertamina (Persero) bertanggal 29 Juni 2018. Berdasarkan surat yang beredar, ada empat aksi korporasi yang bakal dilakukan Pertamina, termasuk menjual aset-asetnya ke pihak swasta. Surat ini ditandatangani oleh Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno. Pertamina berencana melakukan share down aset-aset hulu selektif (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada participating interest, saham kepemilikan, dan bentuk lain) dengan tetap menjaga pengendalian Pertamina untuk aset-aset strategis dan mencari mitra kredibel dan diupayakan memperoleh nilai strategis lain, seperti akses ke aset hulu di negara lain. Kedua, m...

14 Rumus Excel Yang Paling Sering Digunakan


Perkembangan Teknologi Unik: Teknologi komputer masa depan

Perkembangan Teknologi Unik: Teknologi komputer masa depan : Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang begitu cepat, bukanlah hal yang mustahil bagi man...


The steemian friend, human rights / basic rights are the right to life, so we as human beings should respect the right to life, by mutual respect and love for peace of life can be created. One has no right to harm either body or spirit, let alone eliminate the lives of others, innocent children, civilians who know politics, they just want to live peacefully to find a bite of food with family. The superpower should stop all forms of violence, oppression, destruction, and slaughter of one ethnic, class, or a weak state. Let us create a New World that respects, loves, protects, and deserves mutual help to create common prosperity in lasting peace. I am sad to see a ruined Syrian State due to an unclear conflict, perpetrated by a strongly professing State, but the victims are civilians, and children who lost their childhood, lost their hands, crushed their thighs, torn their chests, and broke his head, where your conscience o destroyer ummah and civilization? Please and please stop any vio...

Raup Rp 100 Juta dari Camilan Rumput Laut dan Susu Kuda Liar

Raup Rp 100 Juta dari Camilan Rumput Laut dan Susu Kuda Liar Fiki Ariyanti 03 Sep 2017, 12:00 WI 0 16 Namanya UKM Sasak Maiq. Mulai fokus berjalan pada 2012, dan kini terkenal sebagai pemasok oleh-oleh khas NTB. ( Ariyanti), Jakarta Di Perumahan Griya Asri, Desa Senteluk Batu Layar, Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) berdiri pusat pengolahan camilan dari bahan dasar rumput laut dan penjualan susu kuda liar, khas Sumbawa. Usaha ini dijalani pasangan Baiq Siti Suriani dan suaminya dengan omset Rp 100 juta per bulan. Namanya UKM Sasak Maiq. Mulai fokus berjalan pada 2012, dan kini terkenal sebagai pemasok oleh-oleh khas NTB. Semua panganan yang diolah Baiq serba dari rumput laut, bahan baku yang banyak dijumpai di daerah tersebut. "Tadinya cuma buka warung kecil 1995, tapi mulai beralih membuat camilan dari rumput laut pada 2012. Rumput laut kan banyak sekali di NTB, dan manfaatnya untuk kecantikan da...

Hope and hard work

Hallo sahabat, all over the world, this time on Sunday March 25, 2018, I will try to parse the word Hope and hard work, or maybe a verb is put in the beginning while hoping to be put thereafter, to "work hard and hope" suppose a farmer, after sweating to cultivate his soil, give him fertilizer and then he will plant the crops he wants then hope and cultivate hope while continuously maintaining his crops, so that in future he will harvest the results of his labor, cultivate hope without any hard work , prayer and tawakkal, of course like carrying water with a basket, the result is nil. A mother struggles, loves to raise the baby, to meet all her needs, to sort out the best food for her, to give her the best clothing, to provide her with the education of the majors she desires for countless costs, simply because her mother is motivated by one word " Hope "or hope someday later, to be a perfect man, and useful to others, how disappointing the mother if seeing / watchin...

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